Kenwood TR-9130 2 meter multimode transceiver provides 2 meter operation in FM, LSB, USB and CW modes. Power output may be selected at 5 watts (FM/CW) or 25 watts (FM/SSB/CW). Frequency coverage is 144-147.9999 MHz.
Enhancements include: RF gain, RIT, S/RF meter, all-mode squelch, meter and 5 memories. Both memory scan and band scan are supported. Kenwood did not offer a tone board option for this model, but they did provide a switch on the front panel for this function, and room inside to mount a tone board.
The rear panel features jacks for: SO239 antenna jack, key input, backup power, external speaker, DC power in plus an Aux connector. The Aux jack can be used to connect to a linear amplifier (not supplied). Requires 13.8VDC at 5.5 Amps. 6.8 x 2.7 x 9.6 inches 5.3 lbs. Includes mobile mounting bracket, DC cord and up-down hand mic. (Shown above with optional MC-46 DTMF hand mic).