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pıoneer tsw2541dvc

Uyarı: Bu Yayındaki Resim, Makale ve Video vs. Web'de Bulunan Çeşitli Kaynaklardan Alınmıştır. Telif Hakkı Tamamen Kaynağa Göre Düzenlenmiştir. Bu konuda Bir Sorun varsa İletişim Bizimle İrtibata Geçebilirsiniz.
27.11.10 Google de Ara Bing de Ara ziyaretci-sayac

Don't even think about this sub unless you have a serious, over-the-top love of tight, deep bass. The 10" TS-W2541DVC will be in your face with 700 Watts of clean power, and features Pioneer's Voice Coil Cooling System (VCCS) to keep the temp down and the sound quality high, despite hours of nearly criminal power levels. And, a dual voice coil design allows you some extra system options.

bullet 10" VCCS PRO Component Subwoofer
bullet Foamed IMPP (Injection Molded Polypropylene) Rigilite™ Composite Cone Woofer
bullet Aluminum Insert for Increased Cone Rigidity
bullet Dual-Layer Urethane Surround
bullet Direct Bobbin Mounted VCCS (Voice Coil Cooling System)
bullet Conex Damper with Damper Ring
bullet Lead Wires Integrated into Damper for High Reliability and Improved Power Transfer
bullet Projected Pole Yoke with Vented Pole
bullet High-Energy Ferrite Magnet with Bumped Back Plate
bullet Low-Q Design for use in Small Sealed Box (0.6 cubic foot recommended)
bullet Dual Voice Coil (2x4W ) Design for Increased System Flexibility
bullet 700 Watts Max Music Power
bullet 350 Watts Nominal Power Handling
bullet Frequency Response: 18-2,500Hz
bullet Sensitivity (Efficiency): 86dB (1W/1m)
bullet 2Ohm or 8Ohm Rated
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